Codes of Practice
When issues arise in fisheries within the Cornwall IFCA District, the Authoritiy's officers will initially try to find non legislative ways of resolving these issues.
Officers work closely with fishermen and other organisations to set out workable codes of good practice (COP's). COP's, when followed, can address the issues that have arisen in a fishery without the Authority having to introduce a byelaw. However, should any COP prove to be insufficient to resolve any problems, the Authority will seek to introduce a byelaw.
Click here to see the Code of Practice for the Incidental Capture of Cetaceans.
Click here to see the Code of Practice for Net Fishing in St Ives Bay.
Click here to see the Code of Practice for Net Fishing in the Falmouth Bay to St Austell Bay pSPA
Click here to see the Code of Practice for Winkle Fishing.